Affiliate Disclosure

“We would like to clarify to our dear users that in some cases, our platform may contain links or products belonging to affiliated companies. Disclosing affiliate companies is part of the transparency and integrity policy we adhere to here on our website.

What are affiliate companies?

Affiliate companies are companies owned or controlled by the parent company. These affiliate companies provide additional diverse services and products that complement and enhance the services we offer on our website.

Amazon and affiliate companies

We would like to point out that we collaborate with Amazon affiliate companies. This means that some of the links and products displayed on our website may be related to Amazon or its affiliate companies. It should be noted that the disclosure of these links and products does not imply that we recommend or endorse them specifically. Their presence on our platform is merely an opportunity for users to explore more options.

Impact of affiliate companies on our services

Affiliate companies operate independently from us and follow their own policies regarding the services and products they offer. While we strive to ensure that the information provided on our website is accurate and reliable, we do not take responsibility for any changes that may occur in the services or products of affiliate companies.

Tips for users

We advise you to review the terms of use and privacy policies of any affiliate company before using their services or purchasing their products. We also encourage you to read reviews and ratings and conduct necessary research to verify the quality of products and the credibility of the company before making any purchase.

In conclusion, The presence of affiliate links and products on our platform reflects our desire to provide users with a diverse and comprehensive experience. We attach great importance to transparency and make every effort to provide accurate and reliable information. If you have any inquiries or concerns regarding affiliate companies on our website, please do not hesitate to contact our support team. We are here to assist you and provide necessary help at any time.”

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